Mayan: References

Below are references used on each page of the Maya Codices portion of the Codicology section of the site. In-text citations are often links directly to the online sources* to avoid confusion. Parenthetical citations are from offline sources, such as journal articles or books.


Authentic Maya: Guatemala – Cradle of the Mayan Civilization. (2011). Maya writing. Retrieved from

Canadian Museum of History. (n.d.). Maya civilization: Maya civilization timeline. Retrieved from

Canadian Museum of History. (n.d.). Maya civilization: Writing and hieroglyphics. Retrieved from staff. (2010). Mexico timeline. Retrieved from

The Story of Mathematics. (2010). Mayan mathematics. Retrieved from

TimeMaps. (n.d.) The Maya civilization. Retrieved from


Arizona University Libraries. (n.d.). Mayan codex facsimiles. Retrieved from

Boucarda. (2013, April 25). Diego de Landa [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Canadian Museum of History. (n.d.) Mystery of the Maya – the film. Retrieved from

Coe, M. D. (1973). The Maya scribe and his world. New York, NY: Grolier Club. Retrieved from

Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (n.d.). The ancient Maya codices: The Dresden Codex. Retrieved from

Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (n.d.). The ancient Maya codices: The Madrid Codex. Retrieved from

Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (n.d.). The ancient Maya codices: The Paris Codex. Retrieved from

Gobierno de España: Ministerio de Educaciónal Cultura y Deporte. (n.d.). Códice Trocortesiano [Spanish language site]. Retrieved from

Mann, T., Robin, C., Zellner, D., Batkie, S., Moy, A., Rhee, S., & Sun, L. (n.d.). The Paris Codex: Background information. Retrieved from

Milbrath, S. (2002, Spring). New questions concerning the authenticity of the Grolier Codex. Latin American Indian Literatures Journal, (18)1, 50-83. Retrieved from

Saxon State and University Library Dresden. (n.d.). The Dresden Maya-Codex. Retrieved from

Schuster, A. M. H. (1999, January/February). Redating the Madrid Codex. Archaeology, (52)1. Retrieved from

World Digital Library. (2015, April 27). The Dresden Codex. Retrieved from

World Public Library (n.d.) Paris Codex. Retrieved from

Writing Structure

Chaa Creek. (2012, May 11). The bark beater — an ancient Maya tool [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Coe, M. D. (1973). The Maya scribe and his world. New York, NY: Grolier Club.

Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (n.d.). The ancient Maya codices: Introduction. Retrieved from

Mann, T., Robin, C., Zellner, D., Batkie, S., Moy, A., Rhee, S., & Sun, L. (n.d.). The Paris Codex: Background information. Retrieved from

Martí, B. (n.d.). Los enigmáticos códices [Spanish language site]. Retrieved from

Tobin, T. J. (2001). The construction of the codex in Classic and Postclassic-period Maya civilizations. Retrieved from


Tobin, T. J. (2001). The construction of the codex in Classic and Postclassic-period Maya civilizations. Retrieved from

Van Stone, M. (2012, March 21). Maya book technology: Making bark paper [Video file]. Retrieved from


Chang, K. (2008, February 29). The grim story of Maya Blue. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Fois, E., Gamba, A., & Tilocca, A. (2003). On the unusual stability of Maya blue paint: molecular dynamics simulations. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 57(3), 263-272. doi:10.1016/S1387-1811(02)00596-6

Foundation for Latin American Anthropological Research. (2009, July 7). Colors are deeply embedded in Mexican culture. Retrieved from

Gannon, M. (2013, April 2). Maya Blue paint recipe deciphered. Live Science. Retrieved from

Haude, M. E. (1997). Identification and classification of colorants used during Mexico’s Early Colonial period. The Book and Paper Group Annual, 16. Retrieved from (n.d.). Codices and vessels murals [Images of codices]. Retrieved from

Polette-Niewold, L. A., Manciu, F. S., Torres, B., Alvarado, M., & Chianelli, R. R. (2007). Organic/inorganic complex pigments: Ancient colors Maya Blue. Journal Of Inorganic Biochemistry, 101(11/12), 1958-1973. doi:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2007.07.009

Tobin, T. J. (2001). The construction of the codex in Classic and Postclassic-period Maya civilizations. Retrieved from


Diringer, D. (2011). The book before printing: Ancient, medieval, oriental (lettering, calligraphy, typography). New York, NY: Dover Publications.

Mann, T., Robin, C., Zellner, D., Batkie, S., Moy, A., Rhee, S., & Sun, L. (n.d.). The Paris Codex: Background information. Retrieved from

Tobin, T. J. (2001). The construction of the codex in Classic and Postclassic-period Maya civilizations. Retrieved from


Kohlschmidt, M. (2012, January 1). Codex Dresdensis – 3D reconstruction of the Maya Codex in Dresden [Video file]. Retrieved from

Mann, T., Robin, C., Zellner, D., Batkie, S., Moy, A., Rhee, S., & Sun, L. (n.d.). The Paris Codex: Background information. Retrieved from

Tobin, T. J. (2001). The construction of the codex in Classic and Postclassic-period Maya civilizations. Retrieved from

*Attempts to use CiteBite to link directly to exact quotes or specific sections were thwarted when the site kept giving errors on almost all sites. [return to top]