Happy 5Fe Day, everyone! Just in case you didn’t pre-order, the EP drops today!
Be sure to spend the day listening to all of your FIF albums, including those little 45s that may have been collecting dust in your record cabinet.
Happy 5Fe Day, everyone! Just in case you didn’t pre-order, the EP drops today!
Be sure to spend the day listening to all of your FIF albums, including those little 45s that may have been collecting dust in your record cabinet.
I found this article about the L.L. Bean duckboots situation (if I may use that word for this) simply fascinating. I’m behind the times (as I usually am when it comes to fashion, something I care little about), because I only heard about the backorder problems a few years ago, but I hadn’t realized the complete reason. Knowing that they are trying to maintain quality (handmade), locality, and their commitment to U.S.-made and -sourced materials means more than artificially increasing demand.
I heard about the woman who can smell Parkinson’s on the morning news blurb the other day, so I sought out more information about it. This article gives a great overview, and I’m excited about the possibilities that it portends. Neal’s grandfather dealt with Parkinson’s, and I’ve heard about the toll it took on family. Catching it earlier might be a key to keeping symptoms in check.
I’ll admit it: as a reader, this article alone made me a bit happier. I’m happier reading hours each week, but to discover that just 30 minutes of pleasure reading per week can increase happiness and health. Reading can help widen world views and deepen understanding of the human condition, so why wouldn’t you take part?
Companies forget that the simplest thing can increase consumer happiness with their products and/or brand. Why not take a minute to think about the little ways that your company annoys consumers and figure out a better way to deal with that problem? (I’m gonna say it: quit sending me mailers and other crap. I don’t mind email spam as much as I mind wasting paper and ink along with my time and effort to deal with getting rid of all of the junk mail that I see on a regular basis. If I want your products, I go online for them. I do not need and I do not want your magazines, mailers, postcards, and so on.)
User experience matters, and with a wider range of places to shop online, those that keep bothering users or refusing to update systems to make browsing and purchasing easier are going to keep losing out.
I’ll be honest here. I sometimes draft angry responses to things I’ve read online. Sometimes the responses aren’t really angry, but they disagree with someone on the internet. The older I get, the more likely I am to just delete the comment without posting it, because I really don’t care what someone I’ve never met thinks about this particular thing when I really start to think about it. In other words, I’m more likely to be like this these days than I am to be like this. In general, that’s probably a good thing.
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I’m going to start this week off right, which means we’re going to talk about how breasts are the most dangerous weapons in the world. This guy has finally explained to my satisfaction (which is quite hard to do, mind you) why women rarely get to wear armor in the gaming world. I never realized how destructive these things actually are, but now that I know, I’ll have to be more careful with these WMD!
(True story: at a local renaissance festival that is no longer, sadly, we ran into a woman selling corsets who had a brooch nestled in her cleavage that said “Weapons of Mass Seduction.” Those things could’ve knocked a sailor out at two paces.)
As a mid-30s cord-never, I’m glad to see that it’s getting more and more common. I haven’t had regular access to cable since 2002, and that was only because my college paid for the dorms to receive it. Once I moved out, I made do with whatever came over the air. I started my “alternative” ways with Netflix, but once Blockbuster came out with their video-by-mail service, I swapped. It was awesome for a while because I got three DVDs at a time and then could return them in-store for three and also have three new ones shipped to me. I eventually ended up bouncing around to get the best deal (I even used Wal-Mart’s service at one point, for those of you who knew that Wal-Mart even had such a service, because it was cheaper and Blockbuster had reconfigured their “return a disc, get an in-store rental for free” so that it became worthless), but eventually came back to Netflix (of course). Streaming was too much of a siren’s call for me to ignore. We’re currently using Netflix and Amazon Prime Video along with a few supplements here and there. (I tried Hulu Plus, but I just couldn’t get past the fact that I’d have to pay for something that still forced me through commercials. That’s one of the reasons I’m willing to pay to stream in the first place!)
I can’t imagine ever having cable television. Yeah, when we stay at a hotel, we binge a bit on HGTV, but that’s pretty much the only thing I really would want. (And now that Netflix added some HGTV shows, plus the ability to stream some via HGTV’s site…well, there you go.)
I’m sure many of you might have seen the below, but just in case you missed it, here’s John Oliver talking about the state of mental health in the United States. Listen, you all know that our health care system is a complete mess. No, I don’t believe it’s because of the ACA. The pre-ACA health care system couldn’t really get much worse, and the prescription drug situation is basically a pit of despair, not unlike hell, for way too many people. Even knowing how screwed up the basic health care system is, too many people don’t really get it when I mention how that seems like a utopia compared to the mental health care system.
I’m going to harp on this until it gets better (and being the pessimist–I mean, realist!–that I am, I realize this means that my dying words will probably be about this very topic), because mental health care is important. Mental health is absolutely not an “emotional” problem: it’s very real physical impairment in a person’s body that affects their brain and mental status. That’s all it is, people! The number of things that can affect how your brain makes you think and feel is numbing, people, and just because we can’t literally see the broken piece with our own eyes doesn’t mean it’s fictitious or made up or not real.
Take, for example, Susannah Cahalan: she went downhill suddenly, was misdiagnosed more than once, was pushed aside several times, and only discovered the real reason for her immense personality change and mental decline because her parents were able to (financially, emotionally, etc.) able to push to get her the care that should be standard for everyone. (Hat tip to my former boss Katie, who told me about this book.)
And before we leave, I’m going to direct you to Allie Brosh’s blog about depression and then some more depression. Go, read them, and then pick up her book. You’ll laugh so hard you’ll snort. If you don’t, then don’t tell me about it. While you’re at the library or bookstore picking up her book anyway, grab The Bloggess’s latest book, Furiously Happy, too. You’re there anyway, and you’ll appreciate what she has to say about mental illness, sometimes in a funny way and sometimes in a way so real and heart-rending that you’ll find yourself leaking from your face for no apparent reason. (If you live in Duluth, you’re welcome. I requested it and the library ordered it. I’ve already had it and read it, so you can enjoy it, too.)
Are we really only on four? Yes, yes, we are. I’m giving you your money’s worth this week, because you didn’t get any at all last week. Anyway, get with the program! I have things to share, and if you keep interrupting me, I’ll never get through all of them.
I read this article earlier this week and wasn’t surprised. First of all, I really think it’s hard to find a good doctor who will listen to you. I’ve been fairly lucky, because I take great care in finding someone who listens. (My current doctor not only listens, but we also end up talking about books we’re reading and what we should read next! What’s not to love about that?) I’m not afraid to go to someone different if the one I’ve seen isn’t listening. That said, I still had to wait until my current doctor to be diagnosed with something I’m pretty sure I’ve been dealing with since I was a teen. I was 28 when I first started going to this doctor, and in my first visit she said, “Hmmmmm…your medical history is odd. I think we need to do some tests for X.” Yeah, so I had X all right.
I don’t know what needs to be done to get doctors to listen to women. I know it’s not all doctors, but I feel like it’s a more prevalent situation than it should be.
A friend and I were talking about digestive track bacteria a few weeks ago, and how some bad strains seem to be causing all manner of issues, from anxiety (yes, really!) to more local stomach issues. I then happened upon this article, which just adds another layer to the whole “what the heck have we done to our stomachs and can we reverse it?” issue. There is something weird going on, and I’m worried that we’re going to find out the culprit when it’s too late to remedy the situation.
I hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy their weekend! I’ve been cooped up working on projects (school and my new job), but I’m hoping to get out and get some prolonged fresh air again tomorrow. 🙂
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We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to candidacy for the Master’s degree.
[. . .]
You have taken an important step toward your graduation and we are very proud of your accomplishments.
This just came in the mail yesterday, so I am now officially a Master’s candidate, on target to complete my degree in May 2016!
I am so pleased that the office that approves Master’s candidacy is proud of me and my accomplishments. 😉
On a side note, things have been a bit crazy lately with assignments, and I’ve just added a job on top of things. I’m excited to be able to work with my program’s director as a research assistant. All of the paperwork was just approved yesterday, so I’m ready to get started and add more relevant experience to my resume. I mean, seriously? I’m going to get paid to research and work on interesting projects? Yes, please!
I do have a longer post brewing, but I have to think about it more before I can really dig into the meat of something that’s been bothering me about the state of childhood in the United States, the lack of grit and resiliency in students (who become adults, don’t forget), and why students advocate for others (“adults”) to take responsibility for their own advocacy. There is a lack of agency, and I’m still thinking about the implications here.
Friends and family know how much I love Ray Bradbury’s oeuvre, for obvious reasons. If you’ve ever enjoyed reading “The Veldt” (meaning you had chills the first time you read it), then you’ll enjoy deadmau5’s version of it, which truly captures the feeling and ambiance of the original story. (While you’re at it, listen to Stephen Colbert reading it here.)
Lifehacker has an interesting view of renting in this article, “Renting is Underrated.” Owning a house (or condo) just isn’t for me for a variety of reasons, and some of those reasons are in this article.
What the what? These costumes for women and girls are ridiculous! Why do the guys get to look like the actual cartoon character and the women/girls look like some guy’s skeezie, sexual-fantasy version? Gross, people.
Suzanne Lucas (the Evil HR Lady) has a good idea here that I love more than the idea of annual performance reviews. No one enjoys doing the annual reviews, and they aren’t helpful anyway. (Mine always felt like trying to come up with things to talk about.) If you have a good boss, you are probably already getting regular feedback of his/her own making, so make that a form of review instead of just doing something overly formal and decidedly unhelpful.
This is an interesting article about the use of text vs. images on the internet and how usage has trended over the years. Because of the relative newness of the internet, I wonder if it will continue to ebb and flow instead of a steady increase or decrease at any given time.
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If you’re ready to accept a special someone into your home, please consider adopting from a local shelter.
Breaking Cat News has a Special Report that the cats of BCN have just released. Check it out for smiles, some laughs, and even a few heart-rending moments. I chose the section that is most relevant to our recent situation (we adopted a 8.5-year-old, little girl a little over a year ago. She’ll be 10 in February, and every day she does something new that reminds me how much she needed to have a forever home of her own. She has come out of shell so much that she’s a new cat!
As a person who has had mostly Siamese cats in my life, I just had to also show you this one, but you have to go read the comic to find out who he’s responding to. (And that guy DOES deserve a Siamese cat on his face! So does the guy who doesn’t want to spend time feeding his cat. Jerkface.)
This comment just blows my mind. Who the heck works for the fun of it? That’s called volunteering, not working. I may enjoy my job, but I also work to get paid. I just want to know how to better manage my money so I don’t have to worry about getting a paycheck ever again, but I think that’s called being independently wealthy…not managing finances.
Being a cat owner reduces your risk of heart attack by almost 1/3, a recent study suggests. Well, this works well for my plan to put cats in all institutions: cats in schools, cats in libraries, cats in counselors’ offices, cats in colleges, dorm cats, apartment cats (that prowl the halls of apartment buildings), and so on. Cats are every place I want to be (even more than American Express–particularly when I’ve been places that didn’t take AmEx, and I still wanted to buy something), so let’s put cats everywhere! Yay!
Making money off the sick and desperate makes me feel ill. I often wonder how I can live in a world where people care more about their own bank accounts (when they already have plenty to live on in there) than they do other human beings. This guy’s a real winner:
Martin Shkreli, the 32-year-old head of Turing Pharmaceuticals, stoked Internet outrage this week when it was reported that he raised the price of the 62-year-old anti-parasite drug Daraprim to $750 per tablet, from $13.50. Then he defended himself, Gekko-style, by saying, “I am a capitalist who plays to win.” (source)
How can you not be a fan?
You’ve heard of yarn bombing, right? Well, one library system apparently has a problem with too many yarn books, so they have developed a unique way of dealing with a mass of yarn books at one branch by foisting it upon another branch. I laughed so hard!
Apparently (and after you think about it, obviously), your Netflix-watching behavior let’s the company know the exact moment you go from “I’m just gonna check this out” to “What the heck? This is the greatest thing ever!”
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In honor of National Comic Book Day, I just wanted to write a list of a few online comics by female writers and/or artists that I absolutely love.
First up, I’m going to make a liar of myself, because this isn’t an online comic, but it’s quickly become one of my faves: Ms. Marvel. Go ahead and pick up the first issue and then tell me you didn’t fall in love with this story-line. I won’t believe you anyway.
Strong Female Protagonist is a webcomic I just recently found, and then I whispered, “Where have you been all of my life?” Okay, not really, but I was sad I just discovered it, because it is an amazing webcomic that makes some strong statements about this world while being set in (what I’m assuming is) a parallel world similar to our own. Great literature always makes you re-examine your own world with new eyes, and this is wonderfully done.
For something on the lighter side, check out Let’s Speak English. This one never fails to make me laugh, even when spiders are the subject. (Read the archives for the lovely, little arc about this spider and his ultimate fate.)
Do you ever get the feeling that your cat is watching you, silently commenting on everything she sees you do? If so, then Breaking Cat News is perfect for you! Three main characters give you the breaking news going on in their house, set with The Man, The Woman, and now two kiddos in the mix. There are never-ending misunderstandings between cats and humans to enjoy. Honestly, how can you not love an irascible Siamese cat who absolutely adores the newest member of the household and vows to protect her? The answer is that you just can’t. You’ll fall in love with all three of our purrfectly flawed heroes (and all of their correspondents, too)!
Okay, so this one was (still is?) syndicated for years and years, but a few years ago Lynn decided to re-run her entire repertoire of strips, along with some commentary about those strips. For Better or For Worse is an oldie, but a goodie, so check out the updated comics (for some of them, anyway) and her thoughts behind them.
For the only comic strip I’ve ever seen reference Five Iron Frenzy, look no further than Girls With Slingshots! It follows a few women and their hijinks and exploits of making it in the world (not always sober).
What happens when you have a short, brunette woman and a tall, blond guy with red facial hair? Well, no, it’s not me and Neal (okay, yes, it is)–at least, not for this webcomic: Wasted Talent. WT is a brilliant comic that started while the artist was in engineering school and has continued throughout her relationship with her (now)husband and her jobs since college. I guarantee you’ll recognize yourself in things that happen to her! (I really, really wanted the original art to this comic. Wow, it’s also about spiders. I’m sensing a trend here. I must only like webcomics whose artists/writers don’t like spiders either!)
Another webcomic that short, but hilarious scenes is Our Super Adventure. If you don’t recognize your relationship with your pet or your significant other in some of these scenes, then we can’t be friends. I’m sorry, but this is the litmus test.
I just recently discovered Mare Internum, and I’m glad I did. It’s a slowly unfolding story, but it had me hooked right away, because I’m slowly learning more about the main character(s?) as we go along.
These aren’t the only ones I regularly read (not by a long shot). Heck, they aren’t even all of the ones by women that I regularly read, but they are ones that I wanted to get the word out about. The writing is good; the art is good. What more could you want? Go, read, explore webcomics!
“…this is, I hope, the right relationship to have with your faith, which is to love it, but not to exclude it from your intellect. […] Faith ultimately can’t be argued, faith has to be felt,” continued Colbert. “And hopefully you can still feel your faith fully, and let your mind have a logical life of its own, and they do not defy each other, but complement each other, because logic itself, I don’t think, for me, and you know—Aquinas might say differently—logic itself will not lead me to God. And, so, hopefully I can use my mind to make my jokes, and not deny my love for God at the same time.”
I have this thing about goats yelling in a weird way. Neal and I watched this thing over a dozen times via someone’s Vine account and about fell over each time the goat yelled. (There’s another one out there of a little goat yelling, “Yeaaah!” in a deep voice, which cracks me up every time, too.) Here, look at a compilation of goats yelling like people and tell me that it isn’t hilarious. (And more goats yelling. You can never have too many yelling goats.)
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