Daily Archives: 4 October 2015

1 post

Sunday Sharing #6

Friends and family know how much I love Ray Bradbury’s oeuvre, for obvious reasons. If you’ve ever enjoyed reading “The Veldt” (meaning you had chills the first time you read it), then you’ll enjoy deadmau5’s version of it, which truly captures the feeling and ambiance of the original story. (While you’re at it, listen to Stephen Colbert reading it here.)


Lifehacker has an interesting view of renting in this article, “Renting is Underrated.” Owning a house (or condo) just isn’t for me for a variety of reasons, and some of those reasons are in this article.

What the what? These costumes for women and girls are ridiculous! Why do the guys get to look like the actual cartoon character and the women/girls look like some guy’s skeezie, sexual-fantasy version? Gross, people.


Suzanne Lucas (the Evil HR Lady) has a good idea here that I love more than the idea of annual performance reviews. No one enjoys doing the annual reviews, and they aren’t helpful anyway. (Mine always felt like trying to come up with things to talk about.) If you have a good boss, you are probably already getting regular feedback of his/her own making, so make that a form of review instead of just doing something overly formal and decidedly unhelpful.

This is an interesting article about the use of text vs. images on the internet and how usage has trended over the years. Because of the relative newness of the internet, I wonder if it will continue to ebb and flow instead of a steady increase or decrease at any given time.

(What is Sunday Sharing? Find out here.)