Daily Archives: 12 September 2015

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Sunday Sharing #3

    1. What the ever-loving what?! This is ridiculous. What if she gouges her eye out with the corner of a book? Who comes up with these things? If I hadn’t been able to read on the bus when I was a kid, I probably would have just jumped in front of it. Yeah, her ride is only about 10 minutes, but what about kids who have over an hour on the bus? It’s not more likely to happen if a kid is on the bus less time, you know. This treating kids as if they are immensely fragile, overly breakable creatures is outright ludicrous. And tell other kids to stay seated. It worked when I was a kid. No one ever stood up to find out what I was reading in all of the many years I rode the bus for hours a day, especially not when the bus was in motion. Wow. Just…stupid.
    2. Not sure if having children is for you? Baby Dilemma is an interesting site, because it mostly seems balanced on the issue. Most sites I’ve seen on this issue push one agenda or another, so it’s a bit refreshing to see one that presents this choice as what it truly is: a life-changing decision. Deciding to have children should always get an enthusiastic yes, to borrow that term, instead of an “Well, whatever…” that some people have going in. It’s really not the default in this day and age, thank goodness! You have a choice! The site even has a Decision Aid with questions and things to think about yourself and your personality before making the decision. It’s usefulness, of course, will depend on the person using it and how you’ll view the questions it asks. You may already be sure one way or the other, and that’s fine, too. Luckily with this question, there isn’t one right or wrong answer.
    3. This is similar to what my cataloging professor does. She wrote her own text and partnered with HP to make it free online to DL and/or read online or via PDF. You can order a print copy for just $8, shipped. I ended up just printing it myself, because it worked out cheaper even than that for me.
    4. Doug and Hey, Arnold! might be coming back? Yes! (Too bad we don’t have cable, I suppose.)
    5. Aha! This makes a lot of things make so much sense now. You know those people that you’ve worked with who just don’t seem to get it? And everyone around the water cooler doesn’t understand how those people don’t seem to realize that no one really believes that they know what they’re doing? Yeah. Now I get it. Self awareness: catch it if you can!

(What is Sunday Sharing? Find out here.)