
avatar_JessicaGR_b_fullThe internet’s a big, scary place. Big on angst and gnashing of teeth. But not everywhere.

And so a goofy college nickname has been reinstated: the mission, to fight back against the angsty gnashing. To be one of those that instead finds the positive in life, that points out the things worth looking at, the many things people are doing that are worth extolling. Because there’s a whole heck of a lot of it.

Neal is an Assistant Professor of Writing at the University of Minnesota Duluth and a graduate of the Vermont College of Fine Arts MFA program (he also has an MA in Literature and BA in Secondary Ed/English… wow that’s way too many degrees). He loves all types of writing, but particularly fiction writing that has a strong voice. If it includes some speculative elements (such as magical realism), that’s even better. He loves talking about books, movies, and games (besides musing upon life at times), so feel free to join in with the conversation (and create a positive one of your own in some corner of the internet).